Summer Cover Crop/Grazing Mixtures
Summer Feast– A simple but effective mix of hybrid pearl millet and brassica. High yielding forage and deep tap root!
Ray’s Crazy Mix– A 7-way mixture of summer annual legumes, brassicas and grasses. Equal parts forage and cover crop, this mixture is a great way to grow soil organic matter, improve tilth and increase the overall health of the soil while providing a high energy forage for livestock.
Summer Solar Mix– Just for cover! A mixture of multiple summer annual legumes and aggressive biomass covers, this mixture builds soil health fast. Expect available N for the following crop as well as improvements to soil tilth and organic matter. The multiple flowering species are also great pollinator boosters!
Custom Mixtures– If we don’t have what you want, we can make it for you! Custom mixtures are available through our network of dealers.
Late Summer – Arriving Shortly
Quickly approaching June, we will slip right through summer and be to mid August before we know it. We have a chance this spring to evaluate our current perennial stands and begin planning our rotation accordingly. That rotation may include shifting some worn out pastures or hay ground into annuals and rotating some annual ground into long term perennial production.
Considering your options now and answering a few questions may help you determine your late summer needs early to eliminate hasty decision making and ensure you have a solid plan with the products available to carry it out.
What summer annual should I plant to allow for a late summer perennial seeding?

Will the perennial stand be utilized for mechanically harvested forage or grazing?

Will I be harvesting for hay, baleage or baylage?
Considering my other crops, do I need energy (grass) or protein (legumes)?
Will your herbicide program allow for a late summer perennial seeding?
What product is appropriate for the soil type of the perennial area selected?
Pages 51, 52 and 57 in the Product Guide can help you in this planning process.