“Sugarcane aphids (SCA) have now been found in Lubbock and Hale counties in Texas. This is much farther north and earlier than what was observed in Texas in 2015. Although this is concerning, it does not give us any indication of how serious SCA may be this season for the South Plains and Panhandle of Texas, or for that matter the Oklahoma Panhandle and Kansas. What it does mean is that growers will need to be diligent in following best management practices for controlling SCA. Foremost of these practices is the use of an insecticide seed treatment. Any of the commonly used insecticide treatments (Poncho, Cruiser, Gaucho) are effective and should give up to 40 days of SCA control.
In most areas of the country, insecticide seed treatments are commonly used. However, this is not necessarily the case for the Texas South Plains, Panhandle and Southwest Kansas. Growers in these regions should be encouraged to use a seed treatment.
Below is a one page summary of SCA best management practices. For more details on SCA see the booklet “Defense Against the Aphid” on the United Sorghum Checkoff website. Additional information on SCA can be found at the various state extension websites. At the sorghum checkoff website is also a list of tolerant hybrids to consider planting.”
– Brent Bean, PhD
Director of Agronomy, U.S. Sorghum Checkoff Program
Learn more: 9 Best Management Practices to Combat the Sugarcane Aphid
Speak to an expert at King’s AgriSeeds now at 1-717-687-6224 or email us at [email protected].