“I have used Kora Tall Fescue for a few years now. Great yields, good quality and hardy. In an alfalfa mix most years we cut 4 times. I leave 3-4” when I cut and it keeps coming back. I especially enjoy the literature that allows me to customize plantings to what works best on our farm. Excellent company to work with.”
-Nathan Yousey, Producer in NY
Mixtures– Mechanical Harvest
HIGHLAND HAY CT– Dried, Wrapped, Chopped
An Alfalfa/Grass mixture that will handle heat and drought very well. Great Mid-Atlantic mix that also works well farther north. The grass provides great fiber digestibility and adds to yield.
LOWLAND HAY– Dried, Wrapped, Chopped
A late heading Grass/Clover mixture that tolerates wetter soils very well and has a wide harvest window. The Tall Fescue adds consistent high fiber digestibility, superb yields and traffic tolerance. The mix also contains timothy and Freedom MR Red Clover (a fast drying clover).
GREENFAST– Wrapped, Chopped, Grazed
A fast starting mix with very high quality. The mix contains, festulolium, orchardgrass, ryegrass and clovers, can be used for wet hay or managed grazing.
NORTH STAR MIXTURE–Dried, Wrapped, Chopped
This mixture contains strong alfalfa varieties with modest amounts of later maturing grass added for improved nutrition. It’s designed primarily for central PA and North, where the grasses will provide consistent yield and quality for several years
Mixtures– Grazing/Mechanical Harvest
KING’S GRAZING-Grazed, Wrapped, Chopped
Mixture of meadow fescue, orchardgrasses, clovers and forage chicory. Designed for high production livestock. Chicory is included for better mineral nutrition and other animal health benefits.
HILLSIDE– Grazed, Wrapped, Chopped
Mixture of drought tolerant species and varieties that thrive under grazing. Contains multiple orchardgrasses, meadow
brome, and a touch of perennial ryegrass as a nurse crop. Also includes Freedom Red Clover and Regalgraze Ladino Clover.
CREEKSIDE- Grazed, Wrapped, Chopped
Mixture of varieties and species designed for wetter soils and colder climates. Forms a nice sod that is tolerant to traffic. The mix is based on meadow fescue and includes ryegrass, timothy, bluegrass and clover.
TRI-STAR– Wrapped, Chopped
This all grass mix is primarily designed to be seeded into established alfalfa and clover stands where more yield and more digestible fiber is desired. Also a great complement for new alfalfa and/or clover seedings. The Perun is a very aggressive starter with very high quality; whereas the premium tall fescues and orchardgrasses are very shade tolerant. Put your legume in the small box and this grass mix in the large box.
A premium pasture mix that consists of Barenbrug’s best grazing tall fescue, orchardgrass, perennial ryegrass and white clover. The Southern Beefmaster includes the BarOptima +E34 Tall Fescue for improved longevity in the heat.
Speak to an expert at King’s AgriSeeds now at 1-717-687-6224 or email us at [email protected].