STF-43 (Soft-leaf Tall Fescue)

STF-43 is an innovative blend of premiere soft-leaf tall fescues which produce impressive yields with high levels of digestible fiber. This blend is the result of Barenbrug’s forage analyses program which measure NDF (neutral detergent fiber) and NDFd (NDF digestibility). Barenbrug identified significant differences in the amount of fiber and its digestibility between varieties and formulated STF-43 with the highest amounts of digestible fiber. STF-43 provides energy derived from highly digestible fiber that not only increases productivity but also promotes rumen health. STF-43 is late-maturing, endophyte-free and well-suited for hay and haylage production as well as grazing. STF-43 is an excellent choice for interplanting with alfalfa.

STF-43 exhibits winter-hardiness as well as heat and drought tolerance.

STF-43 is deep rooted and will have peak performance in fields with a deep soil profile. STF-43 also performs on poorly drained soils .

As a result of its high dry matter production and an exceptional amount of highly digestible fiber (NDFd), STF-43 is best utilized for hay and haylage production. It is an exceptional companion for alfalfa because it is late-maturing, drought tolerant and winter-hardy. As a companion to alfalfa, STF-43 improves stand persistency and is adapted to conditions in which alfalfa does not thrive, such as poorly drained soils. STF-43 can also be used for pasture.

STF-43 Tech Sheet

Key Features

  • Soft-leaf, late maturing
  • Steady yields
  • High amounts of digestible fiber
  • High palatability
  • Excellent persistence
  • Pairs well with alfalfa for planting together or interseeding


  • Seeding Rate: Full
  • Cultivation Rate: 35-40lbs/acre
  • Plant with Alfalfa: Contact your local dealer.
  • Interplanting into alfalfa via no –till: 1220lbs/acre