Renegade is an erect, early flowering, medium red clover with improved resistance to southern anthracnose and downy mildew. Renegade is classified as semi-dormant in winter growth habit, and provides more grazing than Ladino clover during hot summer months.
Renegade is a short lived forage perennial legume best adapted to temperate regions with high to medium rainfall. It tolerates more soil acidity and poorer soil drainage than alfalfa. It is best used for spring hay, silage, or as a component in multi-species grass and legume pasture mixes.
Red clover is one of the fastest establishing legumes and can even be grown on more acid soils. It has hollow, hairy stems and branches. The main draw back is limited persistence and winter-hardiness, as well as difficulty with drying.
- Growth habit: Legume
- Establishment rate: 6-12 days
- Anerobic Soil Tol: Poor
- pH Range: 6.2—6.5
- Minimum rainfall in: >24 in
- Dry matter tons yield: 2-4
- Regrowth: Good Veg
- Reproductive Tiller Rates: High
- CP% 21-38
- NDF: 38-47
- ADF: 28-32