
Lowboy Annual Ryegrass, Spring Oats, Lifago Buckwheat , Balady Berseem clover, Flax, Persian Clover, Sorghum sudan, Phacelia, Sunflower, and Daikon Radish.

Winter survival:
The Lowboy typically should be the only product that overwinters but without a cold winter some other components could survive. Note: If planted too early or above the recommended seeding rate, the Lowboy maybe smothered by other components that winter kill.

We highly recommend that the mix be terminated by either a 2 qt per acre of glyphosate with spray grade ammonium sulfate when the crop is actively growing. Avoid glyphosate application during cold slow growing weather. If tillage is preferred, a moldboard plowing (fully turned over) and rotovating are both effective. Discing, chiseling and a poor plow inversion will NOT properly control annual ryegrass.

For further information please feel to contact us.

Construct Tech Sheet


  • Planting dates: Late summer alfalfa dates prior to planting tobacco and other similar crops. (Mid-August to Early September in Lancaster is ideal). If planting date gets into local barley planting dates, we highly recom-mend switching to Lowboy Annual Ryegrass.
  • Seeding Rate: 20 lb/A Do not seed too heavy!
  • Planting Depth: Approximately ½” up to ¾” if soil is dry
  • Calibration of drill: Start at the barley setting. Bushel weight is about 44 lb per bushel.