Broadcaster is easily adapted to many operations and soil types, including as a cover crop or interrow living mulch on vegetable farms. Includes species with deep reaching tap roots like clovers and Daikon radish to recycle nitrogen and break up hardpans, and the complementary dense, fibrous roots of annual ryegrass that help build organic matter and prevent erosion.
- Adaptable for broadcasting on many soil types.
- Each species grows at slightly different rates and thrives under different weather conditions.
- Can be broadcast in vegetable fields after late summer production, packing with roller or harrow after planting to improve stand.
- Broadcaster can drilled into corn or soybeans with an interseeder for notill fields or broadcasted into corn or soybeans at last cultivation by organic farmers.
- In cash grain rotations, Broadcaster can be drilled into fields after barley or wheat is harvested, and makes an excellent multi-species cover crop mix which recycles nu-trients, fixes nitrogen, and builds soil organic matter, con-tributing to long-term soil health.