BarOptima PLUS E34 is the next generation forage tal fescue. It is a high energy and high yielding variety, which is bred in association with the revolutionary beneficial endophyte E34. Traditiona ly, forage grasses have been defined by two traits: yield and persistence. Barenbrug also places a strong emphasis on a third trait, forage quality. After a l, forage quality has a direct effect on animal performance and ultimately on your profits. Barenbrug has a long tradition of developing high quality forage products. After many years of research, Barenbrug has incorporated al three of these traits (yield, persistence and forage quality) in one product, BarOptima PLUS E34. The technology that brings this a l together is E34, a beneficial fungal endophyte that was discovered by the Barenbrug Worldwide Research Team. It was inoculated into Barenbrug elite soft-leaf ta l fescue germplasm, which was used to breed the variety BarOptima PLUS E34.