Arsenal Meadow Brome

Arsenal was selected for plant vigor, seedling emergence from a deep planting depth, forage and seed yield under dryland environments in Utah and moves into the King’s Agriseeds region as well.

Arsenal had greater seedling establishment and persistence over years than other varieties. Forage yield, protein and digestibility exceeds that of many other varieties of meadow brome. Arsenal provides livestock producers with high yielding nutritious forage that is winter hardy and drought tolerant. Arsenal can be used for both grazing and hay.

Meadow brome grows well from spring to fall but if used for dry hay, the first cutting is very early. Hay is usually ready be-fore most early orchard grasses.

Arsenal Meadow Brome Tech Sheet

Key Features of Arsenal Meadow Brome:

  • Good establishment and growth in droughty conditions
  • High Yield
  • Very Early Maturity
  • Exceptional Winter Hardiness


  • Use the large box of the drill
  • Recommended Seeding Rate: 35-45 lbs/Acre
  • Seeding Depth: 1/4” – 1/2”