3-Way Clover

3-Way Clover is a versatile mix that can be frost-seeded, spring-seeded, or late summer seeded, aerial seeded or broadcast at corn layby or just prior to soybean leaf drop. Diversity is important in this mix; the red and white clovers grow in cool spring conditions, while the yellow blossom sweet clover grows well through the summer and during dry spells.

This balance of species also helps ensure more continuous blooming throughout the year, attracting honeybees and beneficial insects year-round. Recommended for two years’ growth at the most.

  • Can be frost seeded easily into small grains, begins growing with the small grain crop and delivers a summer cover that can be cut for hay or grazed. This crop could also be left through the year to keep the soil cover until the following spring.
  • Can be turned under in fall for fall planted vegetables or left to grow over the winter for spring plow-downs
  • In livestock systems can be used as forage hay or grazed.
  • Good for use in wildlife food plots.
  • In vegetable rotations, can provide soil cover and nitrogen, and works well plowed down as a green manure at various times throughout the year as needed.
  • Can be used as a perennial cover crop to provide groundcover and nitrogen
  • Abundant biomass
  • Can be seeded with spring oats or spring barley, using the grass seed box of the drill.
  • Can be included with a September seeding of winter barley or other small grain forages, or in a late summer planting with oats or with pasture/forage grasses
  • Can be seeded with sorghum-sudangrass at planting time in June. After harvest the clover will continue to grow as a fall and over-wintering cover crop, which can be grazed in fall, let to regrow and then left over winter.

3 way Clover Tech Sheet


  • 44% Yellow Blossom Sweetclover
  • 33% Red Clover
  • 23% Ladino White Clover

Key Features

  • Best for cover crop use
  • May be used for forage, but this is not ideal because of yellow blossom sweetclover content.
  • Good for wildlife food plots
  • Mix of three blooming clover species that can be used as a perennial pollinator mix for honeybees and other beneficial insects
  • Good nitrogen fixer, year round soil cover, and weed suppressor
  • Works well with frost seeding , as an interseeded cover crop, broadcasted, or drilled.


  • Seeding Rate: Drill this mix at 10-15lbs /Acre
  • Planting Depth: Surface-1/4”
  • Broadcast at 15-20lbs/Acre
  • Depth: Surface to 1/2”

Fine, Firm Seedbed Recommended