By Joy Beam
As an annual that behaves like a biennial, Green Spirit, KF Allegro and other Italian ryegrasses can be placed strategically on livestock operations to capitalize on both yield and quality. They are ideal as silage or green chop for high producing dairy cows and produce impressive forage yields of exceptional high-quality feed. Yields are often seen at 8-10 tons of DM per acre with NDFd’s of 72% to 77%. Use Table 1 for a variety comparison between Green Spirit, KF Allegro, and annual ryegrass varieties. The forage value of Italian Rye Grasses is higher than that of corn silage and can create great economic advantages for producers. It can fill in as a great replacement for annual ryegrass or triticale.
Italian Ryegrasses require vernalization, the exposure to a prolonged cold winter, in order to mature. Whether these grasses express annual or biannual traits depends both on what season it is planted and what climate it is planted into, and should be managed accordingly.
Table 1:

Northern Climates: Western PA, New York and North
Planted Fall: Italian ryegrasses act as an annual. Compared to annual ryegrass, Italian ryegrasses will yield less on the first cut but will yield more than annuals on the second cut. Producers can gain back the added input costs on the exceptionally high feeding value of Italian ryegrasses.
Planted Spring: Italian ryegrasses act as a biannual and will produce few, if any seed heads that year. They will stay in the vegetative state and maintain quality throughout the growing season with an additional fall cutting.
Transition Zone:
Planted Fall: Italian ryegrasses act as an annual. Compared to annual ryegrass, Italian ryegrasses will yield significantly less on the first cut but will yield more than annuals on the second cut. Producers can gain back the added input costs on the exceptionally high feeding value of Italian ryegrasses.
Planted Spring: Will act as a biannual and produce few, if any seed heads that year. Quality is maintained throughout the growing season, but keep in mind that it does not like hot and dry weather. A fall cutting is not guaranteed.
Southern Zone: VA route 64 and south
Best suited as a fall planted annual crop. On operations where small grains are used for winter grazing, mixtures with highly palatable Italian ryegrasses will improve the yield and quality of these fields. They can be planted with cereals, such as triticale, to extend the grazing season and will show quick regrowth following grazing. Italian ryegrasses should be mixed at 10-25% by weight with triticale.
Speak to an expert at King’s AgriSeeds now at 1-717-687-6224 or email us at [email protected].
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