An annual mixture that that will give both quick fall growth and a spring harvest. This mix can be planted in early spring or late summer. It works well for machine harvest and grazing. Oats and annual ryegrass are both quick growing annuals that make high quality forage. Harvest in fall and get up to two cuttings of annual ryegrass in spring.
Both oats and annual ryegrass will give quick fall growth. The oats winter kill once temperatures drop into the teens. Annual ryegrass will overwinter (with proper fall management) and produce high quality forage in the spring. This mix provides a balance of fall and spring production. Fall production will most likely be less than a straight stand of oats.
Soil Adaptation
Ryegrass component excels in fertile soils. Excellent for nutrient management but apply manure prior to seeding. Drought – Fair. Productive during fall and spring, which tends to reduce drought risk. pH Range –6.0 and higher.
Cutting Management
Fall growth: Prior to the end of university recommended wheat planting dates, a fall cutting must be made. Leave at least 4” of stubble. Spring growth: Oats will normally winter kill, leaving the ryegrass for one or two cuttings. Harvest prior to boot stage.
Crop Rotation
The ryegrass component of this mixture is excellent for building soil organic matter and utilizing nutrients including N and P. However, ryegrasses must be killed for the next crop. A 2x rate of glyphosate “Roundup” should be applied to actively growing regrowth (at least 6 to 10”). Gramoxone, chisel plowing and discing are not effective. Moldboard plowing with proper inversion can also be used, as well as some other approved herbicides. Follow with a summer annual crop.