HEUSERS OSTSAAT is also known as “The German Variety” , a winter hardy proven German variety that establishes fast and has strong spring yield. A must try for zones 6 and lower. HEUSERS OSTSAAT is a well-established crimson clover variety and an outstanding forecrop. It can be successfully used both for cover cropping and forage mixtures. HEUSERS OSTSAAT establishes a good stand and generates high yields in the first cut. At the same time, it also produces good protein yields.

Crimson clover mixed with a small grain or annual ryegrass during barley to early wheat planting dates makes a great forage and or cover crop mix. As a cover crop, it can be terminated before summer annual planting with herbicides or moldboard plowing. Usage: Crimson clover is mainly grown as a cover crop, including However, it is also cultivated as green manure. It has low requirements in terms of soil, is sensitive to black frost and excess strain (trampling).

Heusers OSTSAAT Crimson Clover Tech Sheet

At A Glance:
Key Features:
 Flowers are especially attractive to pollinators
 Can be used for forage or as a winter or spring cover crop
 Good mass formation after sowing
 High yield potential in the first cut
 Low susceptibility to diseases
 Nitrogen Fixation
Seeding Dates: Late Summer, Fall (Before mid wheat dates) & Early spring.
Seeding Rate: 15-25lbs/Acre
Depth: 1/2”-3/4”
Fine, Firm Seedbed Recommended